Capacity Middle East 2021: Do Subsea Ownership Models Need a Rethink?
In this Capacity Middle East panel, GBI CTO Gavin Rea sat down to virtually discuss existing and future subsea ownership models. The consortium model has been a key influencer in driving subsea deployment for around a quarter of a century. However, in recent times OTT service providers and hyperscalers have been driving the evolution of financial models for new submarine cable systems, in collaboration with specialist partners. While the Covid-19 pandemic has caused bandwidth use to jump, amid a rush for buying more submarine cables and provide more interconnection with the likes of cloud service providers. The question this panel seeks to answer is, given we are in the midst of high competition, is the consortium model still viable today, or will there be any other shifts in ownership structures?
Play the embedded video below to watch the “Do subsea ownership models need a rethink?” panel discussion.